Sunday, April 29, 2007


Hometown Heros

You know that you are in Saskatchewan when....

... you flip on the radio and back-to-back songs come on - King of Wishful Thinking (Go West) and Strange Animal (Gowan)

You know that you are from Saskatchewan when...

... you know the words to both songs.

You know that you could move back when...

... you internally debate whether Gowan was more successful as Gowan or Lawrence Gowan.

I love King of Wishful Thinking. Killer track.
"Strange Animal" beats the heck out of "All the Lovers in the World." Like, he practically morphed into Chris de Burgh (shivering in horror at the thought of "Lady in Red").

Therefore, Gowan is wayyyy cooler than Lawrence Gowan.
I heard somewhere (CHOM, maybe?) that Larry/Lawrence Gowan is now on tour as the new lead singer of....Styx. How the mighty have fallen.
uh, yeah...and if I'd followed your link before posting my comment I wouldn't feel so sheepish right about now...

(first and last time I post on someone's blog...)
Don't be too hard on yourself, Katherine. It's not the first time someone said something on this blog without knowing all the facts, eh Shaky!
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