Sunday, July 09, 2006


RIP - Cowboy Diplomacy

The cover of the new issue of TIME says it all. It is time to start planning for a world post-Bush. This is nothing but a good thing. The man, while humorous and personable, has worn out his tarnished and questionable welcome.

The sad part is the lineup of replacements from either side don't look particularly appealing either.

It will be interesting to see how history judges Dubya. I read recently how the American economy is booming, which the writer attributed to Dubya's tax cuts but strangely the writer conveniently ignore their deficeit which is also up. Go figure.
Islamic extremists are enemies to everyone, including moderate Muslims.
Bush’s legacy will be one of mounting deficits and causalities from war. He will go down as one of the worst Presidents in US history.

Plus, does North Korea not seem like a legitimate threat. Iraq *supposedly* had WMD's. North Korea has them and is testing them. There is nothing islam there.
I believe history will show Bush's era as president as marred more by the extreme partisan hatred from both sides than economics or war casualties.

The deficient is a complex problem but the American economy is booming.

Islamo-fascism was brewing long before Bush took power. It's been building since WWII or the Crusades, depending on who you talk to, so blaming Dubya for it doesn't hold water.

Has there ever been a time when the partisan battles were more vicious, unreasoning and protracted?
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