Thursday, January 19, 2006


Polling does not mean Predictions

If you want more proof why polling shouldn't be lumped into a prediction calculator. There are way too many variables to consider when running a prediciton - local candidates, party strength in an area / province / region and past election results that are now an outlier - like riding "x" had an Independent and now doesn't have the MP running.

The Globe and Mail / CTV is now a real outlier. I am just saying.

Sweet, I got a phone call from Harper (it might have been recording) last night inviting me to the Telus Centre to watch the results Monday night. If I can convince Bumf to come with me I'm going to watch the results with Harper.

If there is not a strong minority for the Conservatives I'm going to be one blue guy on Tuesday morning. This should be different from the 2004 election where I watched the results at the lake by myself, with a beer and that lying TV.

Keith, regardless of the results -- you will always be alone.
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