Sunday, November 27, 2005


Winds of Change?

The political polls in Saskatchewan are showing a few things: (a) the voters are frustrated with Lorne Calvert's dithering and leadership (b) the public is warming to a watered down Saskatchwan Party (c) Brad Wall is an effective communicator (d) 14 years and counting in office is a long time for one party.

There is still plenty of time for a reversal, however, it would appear that with a burgoning treasury and no blueprint, the sun maybe setting on the Saskatchewan New Democrats. It will be interesting to watch the next 12-16 months playout in the province.

Courtesy of Heart of Canada.

It's worth bearing in mind that this poll was taken when it looked like Saskatchewan was facing a 41% increase in home heating costs -- before the launch of Energy Share, before the Throne Speech, and before the announcement on surplus spending. I'd like to think that it would not be quite as bad now as it was in October. Just call me Pollyanna.

Also, I don't think Wall's "powers of communication" have had much to do with this. Aside from some low-budget television commercials, he has pretty much stayed out of sight. I think the Sask Party has learned their lesson -- let the public be disgruntled with the NDP without giving them someone to be afraid of.

I guess we'll see how things shape up in the coming months.... I'll be curious to see how the NDP vote holds up in the federal election in Saskatchewan.

-- Mel
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