Thursday, October 27, 2005


Is Pat Robertson the leader of Iran?

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad urged that Israel be "wiped off the map." These comments are a little, hum, worrying because of Tehran's nuclear ambitions. Can you spell Gulf War the Sequel? Wasn't Iran always the bigger threat in the region? Oh right, they don't have large pools of oil.

I can see it now - President Bush urges all Americans to take back cans and bottles to pay for expanded war on terror.

You will remember that Pat called for the elimination of the President of Venezuela due to his strong-arm dictator tendencies. Pat, a close colleague of President Bush, also once ran unsuccessfully for the leadership of the Republican Party.

Actually, Iran has extremely large pools of oil, mostly south of the mountains along the Persian Gulf. Saddam invaded Iran in 1979 preceisely to get at those very large pools of oil. Get your facts right.
Things are looking good in the Middle East, whats left of the head-hackers will be delt with by the new Iraqi army (99% Bathist free). The Americans have 150,000 troops in Iraq, they will deal with Syria first. It will start with small incursion, maybe they can draw boy Assad into doing something stupid like attacking the Americans. While that is going on special forces will be working with Iranian students. Iran has a huge population mid 20s and under and they are chafing under strict Islamic rule, and they love Americans and their culture. If you follow what news that comes out of Iran there are massive demonstration two to three times a year instigated by the students. The Irainian regime is unstable and just needs a little push from inside. The Americans will not do that until after the December elections.

On another point, calling for the death of 8 Million people and calling for the death of one person do not compare. I'm confused how the Pat Robertson incident is brought into a discussion of genocide.

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