Monday, August 22, 2005


Do you have some spare currency for our athletes?

Sometimes you wonder if monkeys are running the government. Honestly, who thought it would be a good idea to focus group a proposed $5 coin and pass on savings from the switch to Canadian Olympians? The country is poised to have a surplus of at least $8 billion and we are looking for ways to cut corners using currency. Utterly embarrassing.

Why not propose the elimination of the $10 bill and use the savings to beef up the military? Scrap the $20 bill and inject the savings into infrastructure? Better yet get rid of all paper money all together so Canadians can all carry around change buckets like a bunch of retirees at a Vegas casino.

What is most embarrassing about this story is that Finance allowed Heritage to focus group this idea. No, check that, what is most embarrassing is that some bureaucrat will get a performance bonus for being creative.

Read story.

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