Sunday, July 17, 2005
Why all the fuss?

Hillier's words were directed solely at terrorists in Afghanistan and elsewhere and have received support from all major political parties (why this matters, I don't know, but such is Canada), including the Prime Minister. General Hillier is not only a top soldier, he is a soldier who has served in Afghanistan," Paul Martin said Friday in Nova Scotia.
I would think if there is one person in the country who knows the conditions on the ground and the mentality of the enemy; it is Canada's top solider. Why anyone seems to care that Maude Barlow disapproves of his language is beyond me. Ms. Barlow seems to think his strong words are un-Canadian, amongst other things. It makes sense to me that the leader of the army is preparing Canadians for body bags and it is not like he is describing the men's four without coxswain rowing team, these thugs are terrorizing the globe. Barlow should stick a sock in it and the General should continue to tell the truth.