Tuesday, July 26, 2005


Shake Your Head Head

Ricky Martin wants to become the spokesperson for Arab youth. Martin declared, in Jordan, that he would attempt to change negative perceptions of Arab youth in the West. "I promise I will become a spokesperson, if you allow me to, a spokesperson on your behalf. I will defend you and try to get rid of any stereotypes," the 33-year-old singer told youngsters from 16 mainly Arab countries at a youth conference on Monday.

The children, ages 14 to 16, expressed concern about being labelled as "terrorists" by the West.

Martin claims to know what these kids are going through since he has suffered from stereotypes - insert obvious references here. "I come from Latin America and to some countries, we are considered 'losers,' drug traffickers, and that is not fair because that is generalizing," said Martin, who was born in Puerto Rico.

I guess the chances of a jihad go way down if Menudo is playing from the stereos.

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