Monday, July 18, 2005


Can't stand the heat? Me too!

130°F / 54.4°C in Death Valley

121°F / Humidex: 49.7°C in Calcutta

120.2°F / 49°C in Phoenix

116°F / 47°C in Las Vegas

103°F / Humidex: 39.4°C in Montreal

101°F / Humidex: 38.1°C in Ottawa. A humidex warning has been issued for the next two days. Don't ask why a lower humidex score in Ottawa triggers a warning, but a higher score in Montreal gets nothing.

99.3°F / Humidex: 37.4°C in Toronto. There has been a humidex warning in Toronto for the past 8 days.

This is just a selection, but you get the picture, it was hot out there today. Meanwhile in Europe, they struggle with a potential heatwave.

A heat wave in Italy has put the health of one million people at risk and the government has warned the situation could be even worse than the summer of 2003 when 20,000 people died due to soaring temperatures.

France faces drought, locusts

FYI - Apparently a 10K run in this heat and humidity adds a wee bit of moisture to the body. It was like running through a shower for almost an hour - not pleasent nor recommended.

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