Friday, July 22, 2005


Baby showers and stags

An unauthorized baby shower for Bennifer (Garner and Affleck) gathered 400 items for charity. Charleston, West Virginia baseball fans donated presents at a mock shower for mom-to-be Garner and husband Affleck. The gifts are going to a "baby pantry" that helps low-income parents in southern West Virginia. Garner and Affleck actually didn't attend the "Jen and Ben Baby Shower Night" held earlier this month at a West Virginia Power minor league baseball game in Charleston, where Garner grew up.

Donations included denim coveralls, pink and frilly dresses, dozens of snuggly outfits, a stroller, a walker, diapers, shampoo, powder and lotion.

Speaking of unauthorized functions. I am off to a weekend stag in Calgary, where if there are mock showers and baby pantries, things will have went according to plan. Cowboys here we come.

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