Friday, June 24, 2005


People Can Change?

The nature versus nurture debate has spilled over to the internet. A group in the United States is promoting a sexual cleansing. Call it Web MD for homosexuals.

According to People Can Change, discovering same-sex attractions can cause tremendous internal conflict and struggle, especially when those feelings conflict with a person’s values, beliefs and life plans, or the values and beliefs of his family and culture. They claim to know because they have been there. They claim to have learned that it needn’t be like that. There are positive alternatives for men who are conflicted over homosexual feelings.

The reason listed for why to change - homosexuality was unfulfilling (no mention of how unfulfilling heterosexuality can be - a tad hypocritical). So, the primary reason for pursuing change was that they found homosexuality didn't meet their core need for male association and identity. It left them hungering for something else. Something better.

In order to facilitate the transformation, People Can Change sponsors a Journey into Manhood weekend. This is an experiential exercise and inner-healing process for men who are serious about working to overcome and resolve unwanted homosexual desires. I believe these are referred to as fishing trips in most of the world, but I digress.

Like any treatment it comes with a warning:

Journey into Manhood is intended for men who want to lessen or eliminate homosexual desire and embrace heterosexual masculinity. It is intended for men who feel that their homosexual desires do not reflect their "true selves" but rather are symptoms of problems identifying with men and masculinity. Journey into Manhood is NOT appropriate for men who are looking for a gay-affirmative experience, sexual encounters, a religious seminar or who want to engage in "gay bashing." It is not necessarily recommended for men who are undecided whether they want to live a homosexual life or a heterosexual life; rather, it is recommended for men who have already decided to develop a more heterosexual emotional life.

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