Friday, June 24, 2005


Molson Duvernay's Top 20 canblog

From the home office in Dundurn, Saskatchewan comes the top 20 canbloggers for trafic. Thanks to all the Moldy fans, we are making some progress. I received an email today from Molson Duvernay informing me that Moldy cracked the top 20.

Enclosed is a portion of the email:

In aggregate, the following top 20 canbloggers account for a very significant portion of daily canblog traffic and have proven to be of sustaining interest--delivering credible and distinctive commentariat performances on a daily or frequent basi--to a very wide audience, as well as to their fellow canbloggers...

So, without further ado, MoDuv's Canblog top 20:

1. Norman Spector

2. Calgary Grit

3. Jay Currie

4. Rick Mercer


6. James Bow

7. Andrew Spicer


9. J. Kelly Nestruck

10.Accidental Deliberations

11. Canuck Attitude

12. The Canadian Perasma

13. Oracle of Ottawa

14. A voice from the left


16. Moldy Peaches

17. Youth in Canada

18. Mathew Good

19. CathiefromCanada

20. Le blog de Polyscopique

You keep reading and I will keep writing.

Congrats on making the top 20.

A few things don't add up;
Small Dead Animals didn't make the list,
How did Norman Spector top it,
How did Rick Mercer get on the list, his blog is only a couple weeks old.

Keith raises a good point, especially about the Rick Mercer site.

This, of course, is a criticism of the survey only in that you should be ranked higher than Mercer as you have had sustained interest for a much longer time.

Kudos to you and keep up the great work.
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