Friday, May 27, 2005


Canada needs a Conservative alternative

There are not too many times when free advice should be considered since it is usually worth its price tag, however, this may be the exception. Don Martin had a great article in the Calgary Herald where he offers Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party of Canada a twelve-step process to go forward. The Conservative's would be wise to heed Martin's advice for the good of the country.

The advice is offered to attempt to pull Harper's failing leadership out of its downward spiral and prepare him for another grueling fall session. Providing Harper with an extreme makeover, however, may not be enough to get it done. He would, however, be wise to read learn more about charisma.

According to a new Leger Marketing Poll, the Conservative party platform is what is holding the party back and NOT any individual. The Conservatives have not shown they can be a credible alternative to the Liberals. Despite a full year of minority [Liberal] government, despite the sponsorship scandal, despite the fiery debate over the budget, the Conservatives have not made any inroads across Canada. In fact, they have lost some ground. And the problem isn't Stephen Harper.

This is not good news for Canadians. The country need political alternatives to the Liberals and doesn't benefit from a collection of regional parties. The Conservative's would be wise to look to their American ideological cousins - the Republican's - and start building a base. It is not enough to tell voters that you are not corrupt. It also isn't enough to threaten western seperation (and pout) then blame Ontario when the electorate doesn't share your anger.

It is clear that the current party platform is not in touch with the average Canadian. The Conservative movement needs to continue to take the small steps necessary to move the country's public opinion. This is a slow process and usually requires a great deal of resources (more than just financial). It requires the following:

- Create of think tanks. These policy-generating outfits would maintain and expand the intellectual foundations of fiscal, social, cultural, democratic and constitutional conservatism;
- Establish Conservative communication vehicles (Blogging Tories), from publishing houses and periodicals (Western Standard) to newspapers (National Post), TV programs and websites;
- Build private foundations and other organizations that can influence the electorate. These organizations sole purpose would be to raise political capital and invest it in the development of conservative ideology and support structures.

Preston Manning, Ezra Levant (launching the Western Standard) and others recognize this and have taken some of the necessary steps to ensure that this begins. More needs to be done so voters have a real alternative or at least they perceive it to be real.

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