Monday, May 23, 2005


Boy Wonder

Montreal authorities have arrested a man dressed as comic-book hero Robin ( a frequent tactic with this group) in the superstructure of the Jacques Cartier Bridge. He climbed the structure early Monday morning and unfurled a banner demanding parental equality.

The man said he is a member of Fathers 4 Justice (F4J), which aims to "expose the injustice that the family law industry has become in this country with a series of high-profile stunts and actions."

The group's website says the family courts are biased against fathers and systematically remove the rights of one parent – usually fathers – to be involved in their children's lives after a divorce. The funny thing about the website is when you click on the evidence button - it displays an under construction label. I don't want to judge these guys, but come on shouldn't the evidence of your claims be at your fingertips?

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