Saturday, May 21, 2005



Is it any wonder why Canadians are perplexed by the Conservative Party? Conservative Rookie MP Steven Fletcher has once again found himself in hot water. Fletcher, who is as outspoken as they come, referred to to Japanese soldiers as "Japs" and "bastards" at a convention in Winnipeg. He has apologized for his remarks.

Hayden Kent, president of the Army, Navy and Air Force Veterans Unit 283, said he was taken aback by Fletcher's comments at an annual veterans' convention in Winnipeg last weekend. According to Mr. Kent and two other sources, the rookie MP was describing his grandfather's wartime experience when he said "the Japs were bastards."

Earlier, Fletcher had said the comments were made in reference to the past and reflect the historical terminology of the time. "I stand by the fact that the Japanese were ruthless," he said. "If people want to challenge me on that, I look forward to it." Everything with Fletcher is confrontational, the guy is a piece of work.

There is no question that countries have poor military histories (Japan, Germany, etc.), but their is no reason for any elected official to take a public stage and make such assinine comments. Fletcher knows better and should watch himself since you only get so many get out of trouble free cards.

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